E-Recruitment Privacy Statement
Your application is almost ready to submit. Before you do, please read this privacy statement, which explains how we will process and store the data you are about to give us.
This website is operated by Opera Norway AS (“Opera”), for which the address is P.O.Box 4214, Nydalen, 0401, Oslo, Norway. By applying for one of the positions published at the website, you are providing us with a significant amount of information about yourself, including data that may be considered "personal data" under European law. Opera will only use this data for the purpose of evaluating and processing your application. We will keep this information on file for a period of 24 months from the date you apply.
Opera and its affiliates make up a global internet technology company with headquarters in Oslo, Norway, and offices around the world. All applications received through this website are assessed by Opera’s Human Resources department. Applications may then be shared with Opera’s affiliates around the world according to which position you have applied for. Depending on which Opera company is responsible for hiring the position you are applying for, your information may be sent outside of Europe, including to countries with less stringent data protection laws than those established in Europe. Any time we send your data to such countries, we use a number of practical and contractual safeguards to protect your data, including the EU’s Standard Contractual Clauses.
We take the privacy of your information extremely seriously and promise to respect your rights under applicable law. You have the right to request that we delete or return your data to you. Should you wish to do so, simply navigate to https://security.opera.com/privacy-inquiry/ and fill in the form with your request. Our Data Protection Officer or Human Resources team may follow up with you to authenticate your request. If you feel that we have violated your rights under applicable law, you have the right to complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, which can be reached through its website, https://www.datatilsynet.no.